Responsive Tables Component

Requested by: Randy Lievers

Status: Completed

Change to something that already exists?: Yes
Requires a new CMS Component?: Yes
Requires New Functionality?: Yes


[ Update: Fully released in Dec 2023 ]

Tables continue to be problem on mobile.
If a table contains several rows, the content of the table gets cut-off when you move to mobile view.

Currently this dealt with on a case-by-case with IT developers (they add some css to the table) but this is only done IF the communicator/content editor notices the issue.

I have come across a number of examples where content is getting cutoff, both in the OK-CMS and the Standard WordPress installation.

We need to come up with a responsive table solution (eg. and the demo, perhaps by making this a component and hiding the ‘insert table’ form the Standard Text Editor.

Example of issue:

Ticket Number: INC2560593

Media (Screenshots, etc.)