Events (

Phase 10 - Completed

Phase 10 of 10

Launched March 5, 2020. Marking complete. Phase 2 of Events to be entered as new project.

Project Summary

Central UBCO events website using Modern Tribe The Events Calendar plugin. Overarching goal to replace bedeworks calendar with a common campus-wide solution. Intention is for all events categories, venues, etc. to be added to this central calendar and content to be output to other websites.

UR and IT to work together on configuration based on plugin’s capabilities and campus needs, design/styling, etc. Lead dev Steve Quilala.

UR and IT targetting a Q4 launch when communicators have more time to learn new system and can test on a few new events on campus.

Goal is for January 2020 for campus-wide adoption of new UBCO events calendar among WebCore users. [Launch date updated to March 2, 2020]

UPDATE: Starting list of event taxonomy determined:

  • Organizer = Faculty/Depts/Units
  • Venues = Room by Building
    eg: “Creative and Critical Studies (CCS) – FINA Gallery”, “University Centre (UNC) – Ballroom”
  • Categories = Event Categories
    eg: Arts & Humanities, Athletics, Music, Health & Wellness, Recreation, Community, etc…
  • Tags = Event Types
    eg: Ceremony, Conference, Party, Protest, Seminar, Workshop, etc.
  • Custom “Audiences”
    eg: Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Students, Community, Family

[Update 1: Testing completed for iCalendar scheduled imports -SQ]

[Update 2: Live content testing on-going -SQ]

[Update 3: IT working on modifications to default event templates -SQ]

[Update 4: UR entered live content from Bedeworks calendar to kick off content migration (late Jan-Feb) -SQ]

[Update 5: UR training campus communicators/bedeworks users to now use UBCO Events (mid Feb) -SQ]

[Update 6: IT/UR working towards launch date early March. Users expected to double-enter events in UBCO Events as well as bedeworks throughout March. -SQ]

[Update 7: IT has developed plan for mini-calendar rollout for sites currently using RSS aggregator lists -SQ]

[Update 8: Launched March 5, 2020]

[Update 9: Mini calendar migration started for select faculty/dept theme sites.]

Touch Level: Heavy

Current Platform: WordPress (Okanagan)

Current URL:

WordPress Development URL:

Project Window

Late-Jul 2019 - Early-Mar 2020 March 5, 2020


Owner Group: MAIN

Site Owner:

Media (screenshots, mockups, etc.)

No media uploaded...

Ticket Number: N/A

Project ID: 2807