History and Sociology (Dept)

Phase 10 - Completed

Phase 10 of 10

Basic site cloned from IKBSAS dept template. Launched June 19.

Project Summary

Combination of the following websites hist.ok.ubc.ca; soci.ok.ubc.ca; urbanstudies.ok.ubc.ca; latin.ok.ubc.ca

Basic site cloned from IKBSAS dept template. Early April 2019.

IT will be helping IKBSAS with content migration of program pages.

Content migration for program pages complete. IKBSAS to review.

Touch Level: Light

Current Platform: ACM

Current URL: http://hist.ok.ubc.ca/

Sitemap URL: http://hist.ok.ubc.ca/sitemap.html

Project Window

Early-Apr 2019 - Late-Jun 2019 June 19, 2019


Owner Group: IKBSAS

Site Owner: barbara.wilke@ubc.ca

Media (screenshots, mockups, etc.)

No media uploaded...

Ticket Number: N/A

Project ID: 1292