PAIR: Planning and Institutional Research

Phase 10 - Completed

Phase 10 of 10

Site launched April 13. SSL and DNS for done by UBCV ITSC and CISO teams.

Project Summary

[Update May 8: client near approving sitemap. Content Starter Pack expected in late May.]

[Update July 2020. CSP shell and pages started. Tableau pages continue to be embedded.]

[Update: PAIR team trained on CMS on Aug 23. Now in Content Entry Phase. SQ in contact with UBCV IT on CWL authentication issues and potential Tableau issues with 2020 version update.]

[Update: Project to move forward with workaround for Tableau http/https on vendor side. All dashboards will open in a new window. -SQ]

[Update: Target launch date pushed to late Feb 2021 for expanded stakeholder approvals ]

[Update: Site launched April 13. SSL and DNS for done by UBCV ITSC and CISO teams. ]

Provost site prioritized by Provost communicator.

OPAIR (Okanagan) and PAIR (Vancouver) websites to be combined into one site covering activity on both campuses.


Touch Level: Light

Current Platform: WordPress (Okanagan)

Current URL: and

Project Window

Early-Apr 2020 - Early-Apr 2021 April 13, 2021


Owner Group: Provost

Site Owner: Unavailable

Media (screenshots, mockups, etc.)

No media uploaded...

Ticket Number: 191929.01

Project ID: 4110