Automation of research publication information for faculty profile pages

Requested by: Amber Hanson

Status: Rejected

Change to something that already exists?: No
Requires a new CMS Component?: No
Requires New Functionality?: Yes
Estimated Completion Date: TBD


Automation of research publication information for faculty profile pages. Simone has spent time looking at this [plumX] but it uses iframes and was difficult to work with. Perhaps circl through the library?

Check out uniweb ( is used by library, but never widely accepted. Enables users to export to html format and could be dual-purpose for customized annual reports

Reason for Rejection:

Not enough consistency within researchers to implement this. Information can be added via text fields to the UBCO Central Directory.

This request can be re-evaluated in the future if needed. [Jamie Edwards – April 8/21]

Ticket Number: INC2208582

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