Requested by: Meghan Reid
Status: Completed
Requires a new CMS Component?: No
Requires New Functionality?: Yes
Estimated Completion Date: Completed Nov 2 2021
Original Request via Enhancement Request Form:
“A component for one ‘story tile’ in a row for use on pages with a left-side menu.
See this page as and example: where we only have one Our Story.
It would be best to keep consistent with the style used on the other pages in the Meet your Peers and Profs section:
Note: We will have some our stories for the IGS themes coming in the near future, where we will have only one Our Story because the programs are new and story options limited.”
[Update: Item was missed in Feb 2020 Webcore meeting. Can be tabled for next scheduled Webcore. -SQ]
Ticket Number: N/A
Media (Screenshots, etc.)