Requested by: Pieter Uni
Status: Completed
Requires a new CMS Component?: No
Requires New Functionality?: Yes
Estimated Completion Date: Completed - May 2019
Add functionality that will allow admins to upload media files (PDF, JPG., etc.) using existing file name that simply override the previous version of the file.
[Update: Plugin called Enable Media Replace is a popular and well-tested plugin. Plugin is already available as one of Vancouver’s sites.olt CMS.]
[Update 2: SQ testing in dev environment]
[Update 3: SQ has pulled the plugin into production. Piloting on and Plugin currently available upon request. Network activation under consideration.]
[Update 4: SQ has network activate Enable Media Replace plugin. This ability is now available on all UBCO CMS websites.]
Ticket Number: N/A
Media (Screenshots, etc.)