Content Entry & Migration

Content entry and migration is a critical stage of the website build process. This stage is led by the communicator or webmaster assigned to a website and does not require programming or development expertise.


It is highly recommended that you have baseline copy/text for pages before your start creating layouts and selecting components.

You may need to alter your copy to fit components or choose a different component to work with your copy, but baseline text provides a good starting point.

All copy should be aligned with UBC’s writing style and brand editorial guide.


All images for you site need to be sized for web (ie. not high resolution). Some page components require images to have specific dimensions. For guidance:

If you need assistance in sourcing and sizing images, contact the University Relations design team.

Page Layouts

The CMS provides great flexibility in page layouts — from simple, single-column text pages to more complex, visual pages with imagery and multiple columns at varying widths.

For guidance in building pages, there a few options:

  • Use Templates: ‘Standardized’ page layouts are available for common pages: Undergraduate program page, Graduate program page, Homepage, Landing page, About page, Contact & Directory page. IT Web Services can clone these templates into your site. See the ‘Cloneable Templates’ (orange button) at
  • Clone from another site: If you see a page layout you like on another one of our websites, it can likely be cloned into a specific page on your site. Contact IT Web Services for assistance.
  • DIY Build: You can always build a page from scratch if an existing layout won’t quite work with your content.

Choosing Components

For guidance on selecting components, explore the Faculty and Department theme guide and