How to add a Content Block?


  • Content Blocks pod is required and the Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields plugin will need to be activated; if you would like to use this Content Blocks for your website, please submit a ticket in the UBC Self Service Portal.

Recommended Usage

The content blocks are designed to enhance flexibility and empower the site Administrators in populating and managing content.

Example Content Blocks – View live example on our Demo Site

How to add a Content Block?

  1. Access your website’s dashboard using your CWL credentials.
  2. Locate and click on the Content Blocks option in the left-hand menu.
  3. Add New Content Block initiates the process of creating a new content block.
    A Content Block has the following fields:
    Visual Editor: Texts, Images, Tables, etc..
    Code Editor: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc..
    Please note: The Code Editor is only available to users with Administrator role. If you are the site administrator and cannot see the Code Editor, please follow these instructions:
    – Click Screen Options in the top right corner of the page.
    – Check the box next to “Code Editor”.
  4. If you add content in the ‘Code Editor’ section, please also insert corresponding code into the ‘Visual Editor’ above.
    – Click Pods Shortcode.

    – Fill out questions.

    • What would you like to do? Display a field from a single Pod item
    • Choose a Pod > content_block (content_block)
    •  Field > code_block
    • ID or Slug > any number
  5. Insert codes and Save Draft.
  6. Update the Slug to the correct number.
    Please note: If you forget to save the draft first, you will not be able to see the content block ID.
  7. Preview the content block and make any necessary revisions before finalizing.
  8. Set Visibility to Private.
  9. Publish.

How to Update a Content Block?

  1. Access your website’s dashboard using your CWL credentials.
  2. Locate and click on the Content Blocks option in the left-hand menu.
  3. Edit your target content block.
    Please note: Before updating any content, ensure to make copies of the original codes and store them in other locations to prevent potential loss in case of mistakes.
  4. If you add content in the ‘Code Editor’ section, please also insert corresponding code into the ‘Visual Editor’ above. Please refer to step 4 above.
  5. Preview the content block and make any necessary revisions before finalizing.
  6. Update.

How to Delete a Content Block?

  1. Access your website’s dashboard using your CWL credentials.
  2. Locate and click on the Content Blocks option in the left-hand menu.
  3. Trash your target content block.
    Please note: Do NOT delete it until you ensure it is not needed.


See Also