What is WordPress? Edit
About WordPress The UBC CMS service utilizes WordPress for content management. WordPress is an open-source publishing platform used to…

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org Edit
What’s the difference between WordPress.org vs. WordPress.com? WordPress.org is available for download through WordPress.org. Anyone is able to download…

Posts vs. Pages in WordPress Edit
WordPress employs two fundamental content types: pages and posts. These content types behave quite differently and therefore it is…

WordPress Categories & Tags Edit
Categories Categories are a great way to group posts together by relevance. Not only are they helpful to your…

Media Library Edit
The Media Library Screen allows you to edit, view, and delete Media previously uploaded to your blog. Multiple Media objects can…

WordPress Dashboard Edit
The Dashboard is the “nerve” centre of your CMS website (Figure 1) Some important areas are: The My Sites selection lists the…