Requested by: Randy Lievers
Status: Completed
Change to something that already exists?: No
Requires a new CMS Component?: Yes
Requires New Functionality?: Yes
Estimated Completion Date: Completed - Early June 2020
‘Boxed content layouts’ with options for different background colors. Each item’s height should be the same height as its tallest sibling.
[Update: Likely a new component in ACF. Might not be as simple as a WYSIWIG Format. More exploration needed. -SQ ]
[Update 2: RL met with IT web team to review new CLF design elements. Updated date to Q2 due to COVID and various UBCO CMS outages/interruptions in March 2020 ]
[Update 3: No wells. New ‘Mega box’ component will combine other enhancement requests:
[Update 4: JE developing new alerts/’Mega Box’ component ]
[Update 5: Mega Box component now available. Pushed to production early June 2020]
Completion Notes:
This has now been completed and is available as a new component called Mega Boxes.
Ticket Number: N/A
Media (Screenshots, etc.)
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